
Your Help Is Critical, Give Vancouver Island What Every Other Health Authority in BC Already Has

Today—more than ever—our hospitals need you. 

If you ask our frontline care teams to name the greatest priority need in our local hospitals, the answer is simple: critical care expansion.

More critical care capacity was urgently needed before the pandemic. Our Victoria hospitals are vital referral centres for patients from across Vancouver Island. Increased critical care capacity will benefit all Islanders.

 Today, when you give, you’re helping those recovering from high-risk heart, cancer, or vascular surgery. Those struggling to breathe. Those with stroke or multi-organ failure. Those whose blood pressure drops unexpectedly. Those with complex infectious diseases like COVID-19.

 You can help raise $7 million for today’s challenges, and tomorrow’s emergencies.

Help put urgently needed life-saving equipment into the hands of our caregivers. Eight new beds, vital signs monitors, a central monitoring system, an ultrasound, and other advanced equipment.

When you give, you will also help fund construction of a High Acuity Unit (HAU) at Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH). You will provide Vancouver Island with what every other health authority in BC already has. 

The High Acuity Unit is a bridge between different patient populations. Those who aren’t quite ill enough for the ICU, but still need specialized care and monitoring. It will create more room in our ICUs, Emergency Departments, and acute care wards. It will add more flexibility to deal with admission surges.

When your spouse slips, hitting their head. When a car accident gravely injures 12 people. When the flu spreads through the community and your loved one needs care. You want room for them in critical care, and highly trained caregivers to help them.
The need is so great Island Health is already hiring and training staff for the HAU—including nurses, physicians, and respiratory therapists, all with advanced critical care expertise.

You can increase critical care bed capacity at RJH by 73%. Your generosity will have monumental impact now and for decades to come. You can preserve and protect the care that we all depend on right here at home.

Want to help someone at their most vulnerable and make a donation to critical care? Donate now.