Caring Spirit: The RJH Pain Clinic

Congratulations to Linda, Jessica and the entire team at Island Health’s Pain Clinic at Royal Jubilee Hospital, recent recipients of two Caring Spirit awards for outstanding patient care! Thanks to your unwavering commitment, patients find relief through holistic approaches that go beyond medication. In particular, one donor, who has given twice to the Pain Clinic, wanted to honour your remarkable conscientiousness with a Caring Spirit award and a gift toward equipment for the Pool Therapy group. Thank you. This cycle of gratitude goes a long way to ensuring quality care continues.

The Pain Clinic at Royal Jubilee Hospital is for people who experience severe and non-surgical chronic pain that is resistant to conventional treatment. Specialized physicians and other healthcare professionals work with patients and their families to explore options for alleviating and managing chronic pain, and maximizing quality of life. Last year, the Pain Clinic saw more than 12,000 cases, and provided thorough assessments and evidence-based recommendations related to medicinal, physical, psychological, social and spiritual care. The Pain Program uses the most efficient and effective current practices from many disciplines to treat the patient as a whole. Pain medicine specializes in identifying pain sources and restoring function. These results are achieved when professional care providers work in a team in collaboration with the patient, family and primary family physician, and focus on realistic goals.

Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than 6 months. It often has no known cause, but can exist along with conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD). It can also be the result of work- or vehicle-related accidents. Statistics from the Canadian Pain Coalition indicate that 13-30% of Canadians suffer from chronic pain, which can impact all areas of a person’s life, mind, body and spirit. It often challenges those who have it to continue to find pleasure and meaning in their lives, especially if they have experienced a decrease in functional ability: self-care, home management, work, social activities, recreation, or family roles. Pain interferes with sleep, appetite and emotional well-being. It is quite common for people in pain to experience increased feelings of depression, anxiety, anger, helplessness, isolation, and hopelessness. These effects of pain can build on each other and aggravate an already difficult situation by increasing pain and distress, or both. The Pain Program uses a comprehensive medical and behavioral approach to understand and treat pain and its effects. At the Clinic, patients explore strategies for living more effectively with chronic pain, allowing them to participate in activities they enjoy.

The Clinical Centre team consists of: three anesthesiologists; physicians with specialized pain knowledge including a psychiatrist and otolaryngologist; a clinical nurse educator; clinical nurse leaders; registered nurses; social workers; occupational therapists; physiotherapists; psychologists; pharmacists; and clerical staff. Through the program, patients are considered knowledgeable partners in their care and are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their health through shared discussion, goal setting and problem solving. All patients are provided with orientation sessions, group and individual education, and written materials.

Group pain management programs offer an interdisciplinary approach to assessment and treatment for individuals with persistent pain, with the goal of empowering those with persistent pain to regain and maintain control of their pain and their lives. These groups include Pool Therapy, Qi Gong, Body Tuning, Core Stability / Yoga, Tai Chi, Mindfulness, Art Club, Support for Those with Headaches, and the Pain Education Series, which includes topics such as Understanding Pain, Communication, Relaxation, Sleep / Nutrition, Posture Education, and Activity Progression.

The Victoria Hospitals Foundation would like to thank the Caring Spirit donor for his generous gift and congratulate Linda, Jessica, and the entire team in the Pain Program on the well-earned distinction! Service like theirs immeasurably improves quality of life for patients on Vancouver Island. Please share widely. We want the entire community to hear about the incredible impact our caregivers and medical staff have at Royal Jubilee Hospital’s Pain Clinic.

HOW TO NAME A CARING SPIRIT AND SUPPORT YOUR HOSPITAL The Caring Spirit program gives grateful patients and their loved ones the opportunity to pay tribute to doctors, nurses and other hospital caregivers by making a donation of any amount in their name. Please remember to tell us your Caring Spirit’s first and last name and which hospital and department they work in.

Caregivers are so touched when they are named as Caring Spirits. They will receive recognition from their supervisors and peers, a special Caring Spirit pin and a letter of congratulations that doesn’t disclose the amount of your gift.

HOW DOES YOUR DONATION HELP? Your gift will be used for priority medical equipment that improves care for other patients. Caring Spirit has funded hundreds of important pieces of medical equipment throughout Royal Jubilee and Victoria General hospitals. It’s a wonderful way to support our hospitals and recognize excellent care. Read about all our latest Caring Spirits!