Caring Spirit: Drs. Bacsu and McCracken

Congratulations to Drs. Chasta Bacsu and Jeff McCracken of Surgical Services at Royal Jubilee Hospital’s Urology Department on receiving a Caring Spirit award! Grateful patients made donations in their honour in tribute to their experience in care. This generosity will directly help to continue and improve patient care. Thank you.

Last year, more than 50,000 surgical procedures were performed at Victoria General and Royal Jubilee hospitals. About 70% of all surgeries are now performed on a daycare basis, improving efficiency and helping our patients get home as soon as possible.

Operating rooms are the hub of Surgical Services. Together, our hospitals have 26 operating rooms equipped for specialized surgical procedures including cardiac, vascular, orthopedic, plastic, pediatric, trauma, urology, neurosurgery and ophthalmology.

State-of-the-art equipment helps our surgical teams stay on the leading-edge of a rapidly advancing field. Surgeons are increasingly using technology such as minimally invasive surgical equipment that reduces pain and complications and helps patients to recover more swiftly.

Surgical Services also includes the Pain Clinic at Royal Jubilee Hospital. In this clinic, specialized pain physicians and other healthcare professionals work with patients and their families to explore options for alleviating and managing chronic pain, and maximizing quality of life. The Pain Clinic sees more than 10,000 cases, a year, giving people thorough assessments and recommendations related to medicinal, physical, psychological, social and spiritual care.

The thousands of people in our community who require surgery every year count on our hospitals to have the best equipment available. This area of care supports our surgical teams with technology that helps patients have a faster, safer surgery and recuperation.

The Victoria Hospitals Foundation would like to thank the Caring Spirit donors for their generous gift and congratulate Drs. Bacsu and McCracken on the well-earned distinction! Service like theirs immeasurably improves quality of life for patients on Vancouver Island.


The Caring Spirit program gives grateful patients and their loved ones the opportunity to pay tribute to doctors, nurses and other hospital caregivers by making a donation of any amount in their name. Please remember to tell us your Caring Spirit’s first and last name and which hospital and department they work in.

  • Click Donate Now
  • Call 250-519-1750
  • Stop by the hospital cashier
  • Visit us or send us cheque. Here’s our contact information

Caregivers are so touched when they are named as Caring Spirits. They will receive recognition from their supervisors and peers, a special Caring Spirit pin and a letter of congratulations that doesn’t disclose the amount of your gift.


Your gift will be used for priority medical equipment that improves care for other patients. Caring Spirit has funded hundreds of important pieces of medical equipment throughout Royal Jubilee and Victoria General hospitals. It’s a wonderful way to support our hospitals and recognize excellent care. Read about all our latest Caring Spirits!